January - Vicky Beasley -- Scrappy Farmer trunk show February - Becky Svaty -- Trunk show March - Judy Lyon, Meadow Lyn Designs -- Snow & Ice Dying April - To be announced May - To be announced June - University / Challenge July - Birthday party August - Co-sponsoring presenter with Jean McDonald (awaiting contract) September - Guild Basket Auction October - To be announced November - Ronda Denny, Cap Rock Inspirations, plus full-day workshop with Fabric Design December - Christmas Party
We will be offering four workshops through the year: Saturday, April 13 Wednesday, May 15 Saturday, September 14 Saturday, November 16 Also, Jean McDonald is hosting a workshop in March in conjunction with our speaker. You will have to contact her about details and openings.
February 13 - Judy Lyon – Lecture/Trunk Show – Back to Nature
March 12 - Linda Thielfoldt – Lecture/Trunk Show – Wearables – Check with Jean McDonald re: workshop details
April 9 - Merrie Ford – Lecture/Trunk Show – I Love Chocolate April 13 -Workshop – Introduction to Fabric Faces
May 14 - Diane Murtha – Lecture/Trunk Show – Challenges I May 15 -Workshop – Fantastic Flowers
June 11 - Rogene Margritz – Lecture/Trunk Show – Embroidery/Beading
July 9 - Birthday Party
August 13 - Jane Deskis – Lecture/Trunk Show – Portrait Art by Collage, Piecing and Thread Painting
September 10 - Debbie Coddington – Lecture/Trunk Show – My Quilting Journey September 14 -Workshop – Ode to Autumn/Fall Collage
October 8 - Amy Barickman – Lecture/Trunk Show – Sew Vintage
November 12 - Mary Honas – Lecture/Trunk Show – Quilting on Your Home Machine November 16 -Workshop – ½ day with Walking Foot and ½ day Free Motion Machine Quilting
December 10 - Christmas Party
January 14, 2025 - Vicky Beasley – Lecture/Trunk Show - Prairie Stones, Not Just One Pattern but Endless Options (originally scheduled for January 2024 but canceled because of weather)
JANUARY - Amy Bradley with Amy Bradley Designs, LC - www.amybradleydesigns.com
Amy was born in Medicine Lodge, KS and at age 9 her Grandma taught her to sew, knit and cross-stitch. Amy graduated from Kansas State with a degree in fine arts/graphic design. She started her business in 2002 with "Dazzling Dogs". Her favorite thing is seeing pictures of the projects made from her designs.
Amy will speak on how she started her business, how she prepares for market, and will show a LOT of quilts.
Workshop - Saturday, January 14, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Jean McDonald's studio. Bring your pattern, fabrics and supplies.
FEBRUARY - Lissa Harpster - "160 Years of Antique Quilts"
Our very own member, Lissa Harpster, will have a trunk show of her antique quilts and talk about what to look for when purchasing quilts.
MARCH - Judy Vore - "Lonely Quilt Club"
Judy's program includes nearly 30 quilts that are too lonely to stay at home. Judy is from Parkville, MO.
APRIL - Barbara Eikmeier - "Random Block Sampler" - www.barbsfavorites.com
Barb has been quilting since 1984 and teaching since 1990. She has authored many books, appeared on Fons and Porter's quilting show, designed fabric for Paintbrush Studio Fabrics, designs quilt patterns, and she blogs. In 2016, she became the authorized distributor for the Magic Triangle Ruler.
MAY - Christy Zawodniak - Precision Piecing - Studio 180 - www.cottagegrovequilt.com
Christy is owner/operator of Cottage Grove Quilt Company since 2016, and became a Certified Instructor for Studio 180 Design in 2018. Christy's passion for quilting began in 2009 after settling in a rural community in Jefferson County Missouri.
Workshop - Wednesday, May 10, 9 a.m. to noon - Turning Up Pumpkins, using the Studio 180 Tucker Trimmer 3.
JUNE - Please note program change! Becky Cogan - "Ice Cream, Cinnamon Rolls and Scrappy Quilts"
Becky began making scrappy quilts 30 years ago, using her lunch breaks while working to browse for fabrics at Liberty Quilt Shop in Liberty, MO. She began making shop samples and teaching on Saturdays. At first she was drawn to the darker colors of "homespuns" that were popular in the 1990's and then grew to love many color combinations for quilts as long as the "flavor" of the fabrics played well together. Just like ice cream, who can ever try just one flavor??
Becky might begin with a favorite quilt block, select at least 50 fabrics and plan a unique setting or border to create visual interest with color and pattern, much like testing a "recipe" for the perfect cinnamon roll.
You'll enjoy over 30 quilts that Becky considers to be "controlled scrappy" quilts.
Becky is a published quilt designer for Need'l Love. Her designs include the Twister Holiday and Twister Harvest Wreath quilts, Twister Frosty, Snowman Stars, Rose Maison and more. Her original quilt designs have been featured several times on the cover of American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine.
JULY - Guild Birthday Party
AUGUST - To Be Determined
SEPTEMBER - Silent Auction
OCTOBER - Kelly Ashton - "Sixty Degrees of Inspiration" - www.kellyquilter.com
As a self-described "pragmatic quilt maker", Kelly approaches quilt design and construction with a knowledge of, and an appreciation for, the theoretical and a penchant for the practical. Her mid-life realization that she truly may not live long enough to use all of her fabric stash has propelled her into "turbo quilt making mode"! Kelly’s quilt designs range from "quick and easy" to "challenging", thereby providing offerings to quilt makers with a wide range of skills and experience. Many of her designs are "pre-cut friendly". Kelly loves to teach, and she readily shares with her students the discoveries she makes along her quilt-making journey while encouraging her students to make discoveries of their own.
In addition to designing quilt patterns, Kelly teaches a variety of quilt-making projects and techniques using "modern" tools of the trade. Kelly is proud to be a BERNINA Ambassador and a Craftsy Instructor.
Workshop - Saturday, October 14, 9 a.m. to noon - "Y Seams Y Not"
NOVEMBER - Laura Piland Trunk Show - "Try Something New!" - www.sliceofpiquilts.com
Laura is a quilter, pattern designer and mother to three boys. She has been designing and publishing quilt patterns since 2016. Her work has been included in magazines, newspapers, and fabric company catalogs. You'll remember Laura from 2021 and her presentation "Quilting Hacks from the Hardware Store".
Workshop - Wednesday, November 15, 9 a.m. to noon - "Three Hour Quilt" (baby size)
DECEMBER - Guild Christmas Party
January 11 - Denise Stahl - 50 States, 50 Quilts Denise is the self-proclaimed Kansas Curious Quilter and will share her travel experiences with the guild and how she incorporates these experiences in her quilt designs and patterns. Her expertise with many quilting styles and techniques are expressed in this collection of memorable quilts.
February 8 - Kathy Pflaum - Eclectic Fibers Fibers come in many sizes, shapes, textures and colors. This presentation will show many fibers, including manmade fibers, natural fibers and paper (pulp fibers). Look at each piece closely for what fibers have been used -- some of them may surprise you in their use and how well they work for the artwork. Basic techniques will be described during the presentation on how to incorporate these fibers into your quilts, as well as how to get texture onto cotton and silk fibers for added fun. This presentation has many fibers together, along with copper and ceramic pieces added for the fun textures they provide to the overall artwork.
March 8 - Karen Hill - Precision Piecing Karen Hill, quilt designer from Granny K Quilts, Spring Hill, Kansas, specializes in teaching precision piecing. Her goal is “to inspire others to try something new, perfect their piecing skills, or make a quilt and have fun doing it.” Karen will share her experience with specialty rulers to improve accuracy and ease in our quilting.
March 9 Workshop Wednesday, 9-1 pm. - Cats Cradle - Touch of Class Quilt Studio Participants will learn how to use the Cats Cradle quilt block using the ruler from Creative Grids with the same name. Work on this 18.5 x 18.5 block or make one larger if preferred.
April 12 - Jacquie Gering - Finding My Voice Jacquie is a renowned modern art quilter located in Kansas City, Tallgrass Prairie Studio, where she shares experiences through her work. She started quilting in 2009 after learning about and seeing quilts from the African-American quilters of Gee’s Bend. Jacquie herself is of Mennonite heritage and quilting has been a part of her family’s history. An author of two books on how to use the walking foot in modern quilting, Jacquie will inspire us on using our work to express thoughts and feelings in quilting.
May 10 - Norma Reel - Trunk Show Norma hails from College Station, Texas, and has been quilting for over 20 years. She is a certified “Sew Kind of Wonderful” teacher and teaches classes at Stitchin’ Heaven and Lone Star Quiltworks. Norma has developed a number of online tutorials and classes available to all. Jean McDonald met Norma at a conference and will be sponsoring her in her studio during this week. Guild members will have the opportunity to attend a workshop as well.
May 14 Workshop Saturday, 9-3 pm. - Wonder Flutters - Touch of Class Quilt Studio Norma will provide instruction on how to make this lovely butterfly motif using curved piecing. There is a curved piecing ruler needed for the class from Sew Kind of Wonderful. More on the supply list will be available the end of March. If we have 10 participants, cost will be $35. Participants can make the table runners or the quilt.
June 14 - Jennifer Dick - Nine Patch Revolution Award winning quilt maker and author, Jennifer provides a visual experience with 20 innovative quilts that re-interpret the nine-patch block. She’ll tell backstories about the quilts featured in her book Nine-Patch Revolution and share her latest journey with Everyday Stitches, Patterns for Everyday Quilters.
June 15 Workshop Wednesday, 9-3 pm. - Starburst - Touch of Class Quilt Studio Jennifer will guide us and provide instruction on how to make this unique nine-patch spinoff published in her book Nine-Patch Revolution. This paper-pieced block will help the student develop expertise in this interesting quilting technique. This promises to be a fun time. If we have 10 participants (can accommodate up to 15), cost will be $60; foundation papers included in the cost. See sample.
July 12 - Guild Birthday Party
August 9 - Michele Everts - Trunk Show Michele is a certified Judy Neimeyer, Quiltworx teacher from Ft. Laramie, Wyoming, who has made over 25 Judy Neimeyer quilts. Michele fell in love with quilting when her son was born and she’s been hooked ever since. She currently teaches classes at Lickety Split Quilt shop in Lusk, Wyoming. We have the good fortune of having Michele in Topeka at the invitation of Jean McDonald for a class Touch of Class Quilt Studio is sponsoring.
August 10 Workshop Impatiens Quiltworx pattern - Touch of Class Quilt Studio Michele will provide instruction on the popular Quiltworx foundation piecing for the lovely Impatiens pattern. More information is forthcoming on cost and supplies.
September 13 - Reserved for Quilt Show Planning
October 11 - Rebound Physical Therapy - Quilting Ergonomics Learn from a professional physical therapist about protecting your back, joints and muscles while quilting. You’ll hear about tips in setting up your quilting workspace with ergonomic principles in mind. We heard about this topic when we met at Shawnee Lake last year, but an encore presentation is needed to refresh us and educate those of us not in attendance.
November 10 - Learning New Techniques & Sharing Holiday Quilts November’s program will feature talent from our own guild. This will include three stations, with groups rotating to each station. Our experts and their topics include: Diane Hawkins, showing her technique with English paper piecing as handwork; Carol Bragdon, using fusible crystals to embellish our work with fun sparklies; and Randy Temple sharing his method for dying/painting art with Sharpies. Finally, members will bring their favorite holiday quilts to show and tell.
December 13 - Christmas Party
April 13th – Sue Pelland – Speaker/Zoom Meeting! The Guild will be hosting Sue Pelland of Sue Pelland Designs for the April Guild Meeting. Sue will be presenting her unique method of Applique! Sue is a national speaker, and we are excited to be able to bring her to the guild through zoom! An email with the zoom link will be sent to all guild members. Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm – please plan to log into the zoom meeting prior to 7:00 pm.
May 11th – Rebound Physical Therapy – Sewing Ergonomics This meeting will be held at Lake Shawnee Shelter House #4 and the presentation will be given by Rebound Physical Therapy. Bring a lawn chair or stadium seat, a sweater and a mask and enjoy learning ways to keep us healthy will we sew! Meeting will be held at 7:00 pm.
June 8th – Laura Pi – Slice of Pi Quilts – Quilting Hacks from the Hardware Store! This meeting will be held at Lake Shawnee Shelter House # 4. Laura Pi from Slice of Pi Quilts will be presenting. Meeting will be held at 7:00 pm.
August 10th – Rhonda Denney - Pigment Patchwork - How Did I get here? Rhonda Denney comes to us from Colorado via Emporia, Ks. Rhonda will share her background, and her adventures into quilting and how she developed her unique approach to adding pigments to fiber art. This meeting will be held at the Woman’s Club. Masks will be required.
September 14th – Guild Auction! It’s finally here! On September 14th we will be having a live Auction of all things sewing/crafting related. This auction will benefit the guild to help provide funds for our speakers and operating expenses. Search your sewing room for all those items that really sounded good at the time but might be more treasured or useful by someone else in the guild. We will be collecting auction items at all meetings up to and including the night of the auction. Items can be given to Marie Landry or Linda Long. After you have collected your donation items, start saving your egg money so that you can bring home all the treasures!
October 12th - Tia Curtis - Tia's Improv Quilts Tia Curtis conducts a warm, light-hearted 45-minute presentation showcasing her quilting journey. Tia has lived all over the world and having been influenced by so many different cultures along the way it's such a treat to connect with Tia's view of quilting. Her love of Welsh-Style quilting and respect for quilt masters like Susan McCord and Gwen Marston is evident in her work. The Trunk Show includes her process for creating one-of-a-kind quilts that range from traditional to whole cloth to ultra modern pieces. This meeting will be held at the Woman’s Club.
November 9th - Trisch Price - Tree of Life Quilts This lecture begins with the exploration of many interpretations of Tree of Life quilts from historical to traditional to contemporary to art. We will talk about designing quilts in a series. Many examples of more modern interpretations of tree of life quilts are shown along with how to take a design and use it as a basis to move in a different direction.
March 10 ~ David and Teresa Duwe ~ What’s Old is New Again This quilting couple will share their love of quilting by presenting their collection of more than 40 traditional quilts that have been recreated and reborn using new techniques. Many of the quilts feature vintage linens.
April 14 ~ Candy Hargrove ~ Do I Have too Many Churn Dash Quilts? In this new trunk show designer Candy Hargrove will show her love of the churn dash block. She has new quilts, old quilts, small quilts, large quilts, small and large churn dash blocks with many variations!
May 12 ~ Kathy Delaney ~ When is a scrap quilt not a scrap quilt? Noted quilter, author, designer, teacher and quilt judge Kathy Delaney has a new lecture and trunk show to share with us! She’ll provide a new perspective on scrap quilting giving the audience food for thought about what makes a “scrap quilt” along with some fun and beautiful quilts to view.
June 9 ~ Jenifer Dick ~ Nine-Patch Revolution Award winning quilt maker and author Jennifer Dick provides an visual experience with 20 innovative quilts that re-interpret the nine-patch block. She’ll tell backstories about the quilts featured in her book Nine-Patch Revolution and delight participants with many quilting hints and tips.
August 11 ~ Naomi Ullum ~ Color Theory Naomi is a fine artist and retired college art professor that has turned her passion into helping quilters apply color and design principles. Her sister-in-law Rita Ullum provides the quilts that demonstrates how color choice can enhance the visual impact of quilting.
September 8 ~ Rebound Physical Therapy—Quilting Ergonomics Learn from a professional physical therapist about protecting your back, joints and muscles while quilting. She’ll help you with ergonomic principles to set up your quilting space, learn stretches and movements to help add comfort and lessen the potential for repetitive injuries that may occur with our beloved quilting!
October 13 ~ Karen Hill ~ Precision Piecing with Specialty Rulers Quilt designer and teacher Granny K, otherwise known as Karen Hill from Spring Hill, Kansas will explore using a variety of specialty rulers and the beautiful blocks that can be created using them. She’ll show how you can improve accuracy and ease of quilting by learning to use those rulers you have purchased but not used! November 10 ~ Denise Stahl ~ 50 States, 50 Quilts Denise Stahl, the self-proclaimed Curious Kansas Quilter, will delight the Guild with her new program designed around her love of travelling. She has made a quilt that represents each state that she has visited, ideas generated from her travel experience. Her expertise with many quilting styles and techniques are expressed in this collection of memorable quilts, sure to delight and maybe make you want to hop in the car and take a trip!
February 12, 2019 ~ A Journey of a Quilt Pattern Designer Raija Salomaa is a native of Nordic ounty of Finland but currently resides in Rogers, AR, where she owns and operates her longarm machine quilting business Quilters’ Treasure Chest. Although sewing since her childhood, she didn’t get introduced to quilting until she was in her late twenties. However, it quickly consumed her life and she began design-ing her own quilt patterns. Having taught quilting for many years she is very aware of the need for precise, accurate and easy to follow instructions. March 12, 2019 ~ A funny thing happened to me when I moved to Utah Patricia Beaver is from Salina, Kansas. Hear the story of one quilter’s odyssey. Patricia enjoys making all styles of quilts and keeps up with the latest techniques. She works on original pieces in order to inspire her students to create their own unique quilts. She is the past president of a large Quilt Guild, completed a course on judging quilts and wearable art and is currently active in the judging arena.
April 9, 2019 ~ Tweaking “Tradition” Elsie Campbell, from Ponca City, OK, travels across the nation teaching hand quilting, precision piecing and hand and machine applique and quilt design. She is an author and captured many awards for her stunning quilts and workmanship. She grew up with quilts on every bed and thought everyone just knew how to quilt.
May 14, 2019 ~ Quilting Vintage Kelly Cline, from Lawrence, KS, loves all things family, friends and fabric, but especially anything that can be quilted on a Longarm. She is a Handi Quilter Ambassador and loves to teach on the Longarm and Domestic Machines. She has created a fabulous set of rulers, for use on either a long arm or domestic machine. Learn more about Kelly at http:// www.kellyclinequilting.com/.
June 11, 2019 ~ Idle Hands, Not Here! Vicky Beasley, from Leavenworth, KS, started quilting in 2003 after her mom invited her to do a Saturday Sample. She was hooked by the completion of the first block. Her husband jokes that if he knew the firestorm of sewing that was going to be unleashed he would have barred her from that first project or bought stock in cotton. You can learn more about here at thescrappyfarmer.blogspot.com.
August 13, 2019 ~ Small Town Girl to Designer Dawn Heese, from Prairie Home, MO, is an author, pattern, and fabric designer. She designs quilt patterns under the name Linen Closet Designs. Her work can be seen in international and national magazines. She has taught in France and all the US sharing her love of applique. Learn more at www.linenclosetdesigns.bigcartel.com.
September 10, 2019 ~ Applique, Applique and Applique Diane Okeson, from Winfield, KS, is an active member of KQO and just finished her stint as president of that organization. Her hands are always filled with needle and thread completing numerous applique projects while on the go with her career.
October 8, 2019 ~ Remember When Donna Lynn Thomas is from Kansas City, KS. Believing that piecing quilts should be a pleasure, not a fight, her focus is on skills mastery and techniques that enable her students to enjoy frustration-free sewing. She presents the essentials of these skills in her Craftsy class, Piece Like a Pro, and her two most recent books Quiltmaking Essentials 1 and 2. Donna is also the designer of the Omnigrip On-Point Ruler™ and its companion ruler, the On-Point Square™, which allow us to produce squares, strips, rectangles, and half-square triangle units that measure neatly on the diagonal without any math. You can learn more about her at http://www.donnalynnthomasquilter.com.
November 12, 2019 ~ Jingle Bells Diane Harris is from Bladen, NE. “I’m Diane Harris—a quilter who loves everything about the process and enjoys sharing it with others. I’ve been sewing for almost 50 years and quilting for three decades. I can’t imagine ever running out of ideas. For 11 years, I was an editor for Quiltmaker magazine where I wrote patterns, product reviews and how-to articles. My quilt designs can still be seen regularly in the pages of Quiltmaker, McCall’s Quilting and Quick Quilts. No matter the time of year, my Jingle Bells trunk show of Christmas quilts is sure to get you in the mood for holiday quilting. Large and small, pieced and appliquéd, modern and traditional—there’s a little something for everyone.”
January - Theresa Ward is from Leavenworth, KS. She is an award winning quilter, pattern designer, author and a longarm quilter. She has been quilting since 1988. Her program will be about Making String Quilts. She is offering a workshop to our guild on January 13, in making a string quilt project. $400 with 10-20 participating will be from $20-40 per student.
February – Judy Lyons is from Lansing, KS. She offers many different kinds of programs and will be teaching us about Modern Quilts. Judy has spent a lot of time in Indonesia learning about Batiks and Textiles. Her website is Meadowlyon.com. Judy will return on Saturday, Feb. 17 for a workshop called “Snip and Glue”, sounds like fun. $20 per student.
March – Carl Hentsch is from St. Joe, MO. He started quilting when he lived in Colorado; however, perfected his skills after moving to St. Joe. He does not come from a quilting family, but a very artistic family. He started sewing, knitting and designer patterns by the age of 10. He has a very interesting website (3dogdesignco.com) and you are encouraged to visit and see his quilts. He is an accomplished author of books and has been presented in others books as well. He states he learned how to quilt by watching TV shows. He is a huge fan of Ricky Timms. Carl will be offering a workshop on “Paper Piecing”; however we need at least 20 to make is affordable.
April – Jane Bromberg is from Kansas City, MO. Jane learned how to sew at the age of eight from her mother. Over her lifetime, working with textiles and fabrics has become both a source of income and outlet for creativity. Jane’s program will focus on “Finishing Up”, a lecture about binding and other types of edge finishes for quilts.
May – Mary Honas is from Overland Park, KS. Her business is called “First Rate Designs” and she frequently teaches at Harper’s Fabric Store in Overland Park. Mary’s lecture will focus on “Intensity, Value, Contrast and Scale: Getting the Most Out of Fabric Design”.
June – Shelly Pagilia is from New Cambria, MO. She has authored many books, travels throughout the USA giving quilting programs. She has sewn since childhood, being taught by family members. Shelly was featured in the KC Star three years ago for an entire year for Block of the Month. She featured “Hazel’s Diary” which was a wonderful blog as she was reading her mother’s diary from early childhood through the first years of marriage to her father. Shelly’s mother and my mother were best friends growing up in a rural area of NE Missouri. Her program is featuring her quilt called “Hazel’s Diary”.
August – Jennifer Dick is from Harrisonville, MO. She is an award winning quilt maker and author. She will take us on a 15+ years of quilting perfection. She will teach us about using her invisible zigzag Appliqué Method and her program is called “Because It’s Appliqué”. Jennifer had a very unique quilt featured in the KC Regional Quilt Show. When she will show the picture, all of our guild who attends the show will recognize it!!
September – Lori Triplett is from Overland Park, KS. Business manager for Quilt and Textile Collection has successfully combines a variety of passions which include research, writing and performing into the quilt world. She brings her experience from stage, screen and radio to make the presentation fun yet educational. Lori is an award winning writer, writing more than 14 books and numerous magazine articles. Lori will be presenting “The Story of Prairie Quilts”. She will present again the following Saturday for a workshop called “Pieces of the Prairie”. $50
October – Karen Hill is from Spring Hill, KS. She considers herself a “Self-proclaimed expert” on Dresden’s because, “ I has made at least my first million.” She will show us many different sizes and degrees of the Dresden shape, including the rulers required for each degree. Her website is: Grannykquilts.com. The following Saturday on 10/13/18 she is offering a workshop in making a Dresden Project. 10 students equal $35 per student.
November – Cindy Parry is from Lenexa, KS. She will share her quilting expertise with Art Quilts. After the nuclear explosion in Japan, Cindy addressed her emotion regarding this experience by making an Art Quilt. One quilt idea lead to another and another and so on, completing more than 10 different impressions of this disaster. “The Great Tohoku Triple Disaster”. Do not miss this lecture, it is awesome and truly an emotional experience. Cindy recently completed two new quilts to her program, since I witnessed her work a few years back at the Lawrence Guild.
January 10, 2017 – “Fiber Art: Yes that includes Quilting” by Kathy Pflaum February 14, 2017 – “One patch Renaissance Diamonds” by Reeze Hanson Workshop: $350 ½ day “Seminole Patchwork Sampler” Sat.Feb 18th March 14, 2017 – “Finishing up” by Jane Bromberg April 11, 2017 – “Gypsy Dreamer Quilts” by Liz Granberg May 9, 2017 – “Featherweight Fiddich” by Kathleen Webb June 13, 2017 – “The 5 W’s of Mystery Quilts: Who, What, When, Where & Why” by Tony Munoz July 11, 2017 – “Annual Birthday Dinner” August 8, 2017 – “Embroidery & Appliqué ” by Of One Mind September 12, 2017 – “Meet and Greet Show and Tell” by Erica Plank October 10, 2017 – “Fussy & Fabulous” Getting your Fabric to work for you; by Kelly Ashton- University Demo Oct 24th November 14, 2017 – “Panelmania” by Judy Vore December 12, 2017 – “Annual Christmas Dinner”
February 9, 2016 – Julie Kiffin – “Quilts from Terry Clothier Thompson’s Collection”. Former owner of Liberty Quilt Shop from 1991 to 2003, Julie specializes in hand piecing and appliqué techniques. March 8, 2016 – Karen Spaeth – “Wool Appliqué”. April 12, 2016 – Trisch Price – Hadley Street Quilts – “Making the Most of Negative Space”. Are you trying to figure out what negative space is other than lots of fabric that needs to be quilted? This lecture will define what negative space is and give you ideas on how to utilize negative space in your quilts. Six different methods for applying negative space will be presented. Many quilts are shown to demonstrate each of the techniques. May 10, 2016 – Candy Hargrove – “I’m a Quilt Designer – You Are Too”. A trunk show of quilts ranging from Candy’s first quilt to current projects and her journey leading to becoming a published designer. She has several new quilts in her trunk show, so if she’s been to your guild in the past, she has new quilts to show! June 14, 2016 – Carol Elmore – “Aprons in Our Lives – The Apron’s Influence on the Past and Present”. In this lecture, Carol discusses the history of aprons from the 1830’s to the present. She brings her apron collection to illustrate this lecture as well as other memorabilia explaining apron history. Carol encourages those attending this lecture to wear a favorite apron and to share memories connected with the apron. Carol also brings quilts from the same time period as many of the aprons. This lecture is a trip down memory lane. July 12, 2016 – Birthday Party August 9, 2016 – TBD September 13, 2016 – Joann Webb – ”Put That On A Quilt”. Joann shares her journey from a non-quilter and non-artist to designing national award winning quilts. She shows a large number of predominately appliqué quilts, from beginner to her most current contest quilts (winning and non-winning). She tells the story of each quilt, including how they were made, what inspired them, problems encountered, and solutions found. October 11, 2016 – Patti Pearce – “Tablecloth Quilts” November 8, 2016 – TBD December 13, 2016 – Christmas Party
January 13, 2015 – Jane Buckley – Quilts are Friendship Our own Jane will take us through a tour of wonderful quilts that inspire us to make quilting friendships. Jean Bass will be co-hosting the lecture! February 10, 2015 – Vickie Beasley – The Beauty of Scrap Quilts Have you ever stared at your scrap pile and sighed? Don’t give up! And certainly don’t toss those scraps! Vicki will teach us how to turn a pile of scraps into a gorgeous quilt. Vicky started quilting in January 2003. Vicky’s passion is scrap quilting. She is more excited about a bag of scraps than yardage! 90% of the quilts she makes are made from leftover fabrics. March 10, 2015 – Amy Bradley – Designing Quilts Amy Bradley shares with us how she got started and her process for designing quilts. She will also share with us a trunk show of her quilts. Amy graduated from KSU with a degree in fine arts/graphic design. She started sewing at the age of 9 and began quilting in the 80’s. She started her business with a Dazzling Dogs pattern she designed for her husband veterinary clinic. Amy loves designing whimsical, crazy quilts and is always looking for her next comical character! March 14, 2015 – Fusible Applique Techniques - Amy Bradley Workshop Workshop will be from 9 – 12. You will pick your favorite Amy Bradley pattern to learn more about fusible applique! Cost of workshop: $35 April 14, 2015 - Myrna Schmidt – Handbags & Totes Myrna is a resident of Osage City and will give a presentation about handbags & totes. She is a former mathematics teacher and has been quilting since 1985. She has made over 400 quilts and gives presentations to guilds and teaches classes in Severy, Hillsboro, McPherson, Overbrook, and Burlingame. April 18, 2015 – Sausalito 6 Fat Quarter Handbag – Myrna Schmidt Workshop Workshop will be from 9 – 3. Using the Sausalito Handbag pattern by A Quilter’s Dream we 9t construct a handbag using only 6 fat quarters. Patterns will be available through the quild. Cost of workshop: $30 May 12, 2015 – Chris @ Chris Corner Quilt Shop – Antique Quilts Chris will share with us her knowledge of antique quilts. Chris’s true love is the traditional patterns, done in an easier way of course and antique & collectible quilts are her addiction. She has been quilting since the late 1970’s and has owned the shop in Ottawa, Kansas since 1984. She is a charter member of the Sunflower Piecemakers of Ottawa and a member of KQO. June 9, 2015 – Mary Honas – Stitching you memories into Quilts Mary will share with us her passion for capturing memories in the quilts she makes. She believes that quilts are more than just a functional cover for warmth. Quilts are a connection to the people who make them. They can help with the healing, inspire us to share memories and give the quilter a creative outlet like no other. June 13, 2015 – T-shirts for Quilts – Mary Honas Workshop Workshop will be from 9 – 12. T-shirt quilts are a fun way to save memories of sports, school activities and just life. Sewing with knits is different than sewing with woven fabric and has special considerations. Learn techniques to stabilize t-shirt knits and preserve the graphics that make the t-shirt special. You will bring your own t-shirts for the class. In the workshop we will review type of shirts that need special handling and learn techniques for how to best use the designs on the shirts. Cost of workshop: $25 August 11, 2015 – Rosie Mayhew – Rosie the Riveting Quilter Our own Rosie Mayhew will her quilting history and her quilting secrets! We have all seen Rosie’s wonderful projects and are excited to have her share her story with us. September 8, 2015 – Jeanne Poore – 30’s History Revisted Jeanne is an international quilt instructor, lecturer, pattern designer, author and fabric designer for Marcus Brothers Textiles. In her spare time she also judges quilt shows! She is the fourth generation of quilters in her family which now has added a fifth and sixth generation. Jeanne’s books include Kansas Spirit, Santa’s Parade of Nursery Rhymes, Fan Quilt Memories and “Star Quilts – The Legendary Kansas City Star Quilt Patterns”. She likes drafting and making old fashion traditional patterns using lots of fabrics. September 12, 2015– Golden Spools – Jeanne Poore Workshop Workshop will be from 9 – 3. Jeanne will start us on the journey of making her wonderful “Golden Spools” quilt. This quilt measures 80 x 94 and showcases a spool pattern using triangles and squares. Supply list available for more details. Cost of workshop: $40 October 13, 2015 – Judy Vore – Stack, Whack & Sew With almost 40 quilts in the trunk show/lecture, there will be plenty of eye candy for quilters of all levels. The trunk show will illustrate many types of Stack and Whack quilts and the ways the technique can be incorporated into traditional style blocks as well. The basics of the technique will be reviewed and fabric selection will be addressed. October 17, 2015 – Stack-n-Whack – Judy Vore Workshop Workshop will be from 9 – 1. A four hour workshop on the technique of Stack and Whack quilting offers participants a step by step demonstrations of stacking, whacking and sewing fabrics into delightful and varied kaleidoscopes. A Bethany S. Reynolds patter, “Suspended Squares” will be the workshop project. This is a project appropriate for quilters of all skill levels. Cost of workshop: $35 November 10, 2015 – To be Determined
January 14, 2014-Program Guild members are to bring their antique quilts - must be made before 1960. A prize will be given to the member bringing the oldest documented quilt. Please let Janet Creager know if you are planning on bringing quilts. Her email is [email protected]. February 11, 2014-Program Debbie Divine-"Presenting Rose Kretsinger" Our speaker will be Salina quilt collector Debbie Divine, presenting a costumed, period portrayal of Rose Kretsinger, a real-life quilter and book author of the early 1900s. As Kretsinger, Divine will share Rose’s experiences as a pioneering quilt designer, writer, lady rancher and WW II-era widow in Emporia. March 11, 2014 –Program Carol Jones "Tile Quilts: Then and Now" March 15 Workshop-Saturday Making a Tile Quilt Block Carol Gilham Jones lives in Lawrence, Kansas, with her sweetheart, Charles, and their dogs, Sumo and Grace. Carol and Bobbi Finley had the good fortune of meeting at a San Francisco Bay Area quilting retreat in 1990. The friendship that grew out of their meeting soon included working together on quilts, despite their geographic distance. After collaborating on many quilt projects over the years, they wrote their first book together, Tile Quilt Revival: Reinventing a Forgotten Form, which was published by C&T Publishing in 2010. Carol's quilts have twice appeared on the cover of the magazine Quilters Newsletter and in many other publications, including Judi Warren Blaydon's Collage+Cloth=Quilt, published by C&T Publishing in 2010. In 2004 and 2005, a quilt Carol made with Bobbi and Georgann Eglinski traveled throughout Japan in the exhibition Japanese Imagery in One Hun-dred Quilts, which featured the work of 75 artists from Japan and 25 from other countries. April 8, 2014-Program Lori Triplet -"Indigo, Africa's Gift to the World"/ the Poos collection Lori Lee Triplett, Business Manager for Quilt and Textile Collections, has successfully combined a variety of passions which in-clude research, writing, and performing into the quilt world. As a lecturer and instructor she brings her experience from stage, screen, and radio to make the presentations fun yet educational. Depending on which program she is performing, you may meet one of her guests from abroad, sing-a-long with a song, or even participate in solving a mystery. She enjoys presenting at local quilt guilds, but also presents at national conferences and has made appearances internationally. As an award winning writer Lori has written more than 10 books and numerous magazine articles. Her most recent book, Chintz Quilts from the Poos Collection launched in the fall of 2013 and was co-written with Kay Triplett and Xenia Cord. She is a frequent writer for the quilt magazine Quiltmania with more articles on the way. She and her sister, Kay Triplett, Curator for the Poos Collection are currently research-ing their next book on indigo for which they received the Lucy Hilty Research Grant and the Meredith Scholar Award. She is a member of the American Quilt Study Group, National Quilting Association, and The International Quilt Study Center & Museum. She is a graduate of the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of Arts with honors, and a Masters of Arts from the UMKC Thea-tre Department. Additionally she has law degree from UMKC School of Law where she received multiple awards. About the Poos Collection; One of the largest privately held quilt and textile collections in the world. It is named after Martha Poos a grandmother who quilt-ed and instilled her love of quilts to the curator Kay Triplett. Originally the collection was compiled from estate sales and small antique shops. However as the collection has grown, the variety of sources for the collection has grown as well. It has a large collection of antique quilts with an emphasis on pre-1860 quilts. These vintage bed coverings fall into three main categories: white on white quilts, red and green quilts and chintz quilts. Some age appropriate vintage fabric is also a part of the collection. Recent additions to the ever growing collection include folk art textiles and contemporary quilts. Many of these quilts are award winning for their use of fabric or artistry. The folk art textiles are from around the world with a particular emphasis and variety of West African textiles such as adire indigo or ashoke/aso oke, kente, and Ewe woven prestige cloths or garments. About Quilt and Textile Collection; QTC was formed in 2011 entirely to manage and share the Poos Collection. Because many of the quilts and/or textiles are fragile, it isn’t possible to exhibit them on a regular basis. Nor is it possible for everyone to have access to the extensive collection. How-ever, through books, presentations and special exhibitions the Poos Collection can be shared on a larger basis around the world. May 13, 2014-Program Cathy Franks "My Journey on Quilting and How I Stumbled on the Truth" Workshop May 14-Wednesday "Rock the Quilt" Cathy Franks has been quilting for over thirty-five years. She started as a stained glass artist, and took an interest in quilting. She worked with Kaye England in her quilt shop for several years absorbing her knowledge and expertise. Cathy, started quilting on Bernina machines and still does. To aid in huge customer quilts, she purchased a 14 ft. Gammill machine over twenty years ago. Her love of quilting and learning is still strong. She loves to share "her love of quilting" with others. It is her hope that the students in her classes take away a ton of information, ability, and the courage to accomplish their dreams for quilting. Cathy is blessed with a plethora of winning ribbons in National contests and appears in several magazines articles. She has judged many quilt shows, including the quilt show in Houston. Cathy loves to teach classes. She has been teaching for over twenty-five years. She offers a great deal of information and knowledge in her classes. "What good is knowledge, if it isn't shared". When you take her classes, you get details concerning the class, plus tips on all aspects of life, like best vacuum to use, a Dyson. How to wash a quilt? I'll share that too. Need to know how to quilt a quilt? Bring the quilt to class ! She tries her best to keep you entertained and awake, while giving you the information you desire. She shares photos and her quilts. Custom quilting is another one of her great loves. It's a blessing when she gets all of those wonderful quilts that people send her to quilt. She values the trust that each and every person gives her when they choose her to complete their "special" quilt. She promises to take the time and effort, to provide "top notch" service on your quilts. Your quilt will be the absolute best it can be! June 10, 2014 - Challenge July 8, 2014 - Birthday party August 12, 2014 - Program Dawn Heese "From Small Town Girl to Designer" Workshop August 13 - Wednesday "Wool and Cotton Applique" Dawn grew up in a family of quilters and stitchers and has been doing some kind of needlework her whole life. She really got into quilting in 1999 and set out to teach herself everything she could about the process. In 2008 she partnered with Kansas City Star Quilts and published her first book, Geese in the Rose Garden. Her fourth book with KC Star was released in Sept. 2012. Book publishing led to magazine work and I started my design company Linen Closet Designs in the fall of 2010. Linen Closet Designs expanded from producing just quilt patterns to include fabric design in partnership with Henry Glass Fabrics. Dawn's first fabric line Best Wishes was released in July 2012. September 9, 2014-Program Betty New "It's Never Too Late" Workshop September 10 Wednesday "Walk about-Machine Quilting with Walking Foot" Betty is a national award winning quilter originally from Oklahoma, then Arkansas, and finally Naples, Florida. Today she splits her time between Florida and Oklahoma. After retiring from teaching in public schools, it was a natural transition for her to slide into teaching quilting classes. Teaching free motion machine quilting on the home sewing machine is Betty's specialty. She also teaches several other types of classes such as quilting with the walking foot, machine applique, skill building, and EQ7. She never holds back on sharing her knowledge of quilting with her students and loves learning from them as she teaches from place to place. Through the Naples Quilters Guild she has had the opportunity to learn from many of the best national teachers and she loves to pass on what she has learned to others. Betty's most recent national award is a first place ribbon at the International Quilting Association show in Houston, TX last fall. The quilt, "A Luthier's Dream", is currently on tour with the IQA and it was featured in the March/April 2013 issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited. "Venus DiVine" has been chosen to be included in a new book of 500 Best Traditional Quilts which is due to be out in 2014. In addition to entering competitions, Betty designs quilts for Windham Fabrics. Some of her free patterns can be found on their website, and several of her quilt designs have been published in various quilting magazines over the past few years. October 14, 2014- Program Lynn Doyle-"The World of Bloomin MInds" Workshop October 15 Wednesday"Bloomin Minds kits" Lynn grew up on a farm and was in 4-H for 8 years then off to college to be an art teacher. She is married with two children, five grandchildren worked in many quilt shops and then started the quirky world of Bloomin' Minds in 1999. She has always loved fabric. She will talk about how the designs come to life, or what inspires her. She talks about funny things that have hap-pened in her life to spin her in this creative direction. November 11, 2014 Janet Stone - "Alphabet Quilt Maddess" Janet's love of the alphabet came when she learned how to write, coupled with the fact that her mom was in the printing business and exposed her to wonderful typeface catalogs. She was in awe of how many ways one could design the alphabet. Serious quilting came in 2006 when she purchased a new sewing machine. She finished her first alphabet quilt in 2008 to fill up a wall in her house. Janet entered it in a national quilt show and won 3 ribbons and she was then hooked on making quilts. Since then she has been on a quest to design and make 26 quilts, all featuring the alphabet. The eleven quilts she has finished have all won awards and traveled more then her. My 7th quilt, Red Letter Daze, was awarded the honor of Masterpiece quilt in 2012 from the National Quilting Association. She loves sharing her quilts and could talk for days about the whole quilting madness.